第14回 CMSAIコロキウム
「Information processing in cognitive and AI systems: Open quantum systems approach」

  1. 講演会名称:第14回 CMSAIコロキウム
  2. 開催日時 :2024年4月15日(月)15時30分〜16時30分
  3. 講演会場 :ファカルティルーム(7号館3階)※対面+Zoom配信
  4. 講演者 :Andrei Khrennikov氏
    (Professor at International Center for Mathematical Modeling in Physics, Engineering, Economics and Cognitive Science, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden)
  5. 講演題目 :Information processing in cognitive and AI systems: Open quantum systems approach
       要旨:This talk is devoted to quantum-like modeling , applications of the methodology and mathematical formalism of quantum theory outside of physics, in biology, cognition, decision making, and AI. Quantum probability and information theories naturally extend the corresponding classical theories by considering incompatible variables, those which can’t be determined simultaneously. Open quantum systems theory is the most general mathematical formalism describing interaction of a system and its environment. We advertise its applications in various domains, say stability of bio and AI systems, information retrieval, humanoid robots. The lecture will contain a short introduction to quantum theory.